Top 10 Things to Do on Maui, Hawaii for Christmas (Holiday)
Visions of a white snowy Christmas may be the epitome of what one may dream of and originally being from the east coast, I too can’t shake it off, but after 18 years and counting Christmas in the sub-tropics is just different. Wonderfully different. So if you want to know some wonderful ways to spend Christmas on Maui, here is my list. Feel free to email me if you want to add an idea you think should be a must do!
- Beach Time! I had a early morning run and walk with a friend today at Big Beach in Makena today. See my video below. Do a Beach BBQ, play in the water, dive down and listen to the whales. It’s also the big wave season so if its pumping then head out to north shore and watch these world class surfers, wind/kit surfers navigate the elements. Its pretty awesome. And of course, nothing says more Maui than a day at the beach with plenty of ono food with friends and family! You can also click here for my Beach Guide.
2. Hike Up Polipoli on Haleakala Mountain. If you want to experience some chilly (actually darn right cold) weather for that Christmas ambience, then hike up into this beautiful forest. Plum trees, conifer trees, REDWOOD trees abound. My kids and I love to go up there (about 6200 Ft elevation) and go on the numerous trails. We would pick plums for jam and luscious lilikoi (its seasonal). The views from there overlooking south Maui are glorious! You can also rent cabins up there (advise to do in advance as they are booked up most of time). There are also camp sites (need to register with State of Hawaii). Please be mindful of your trash and prevention of forest fires. Here is a good website for more info. Bring a warm jacket!!!
3. Ice Skate! Yes- you heard me right. For the first time on Maui we have an ice skatng rink. Just temporary but its pretty cool for us locals! Check it out here!
4. Christmas 5K Fun Run and 1 Mile Walk. Why not start a new habit or encourage a new one! Get a jump start on a new years resolution and Register for a Fun Run with Santa! Help a Great Cause -Donations for the Maui Food Bank. Click here to Register
5 Upcountry Farmers Market: Organic and/or bio-dynamic veggies, coconut milks, macadamia nut butters, Kula grown coffee, fresh flowers, plants, fish, venison, baked goods and so much more! Bring a basket or re-usable bag to carry your wonderful locally grown and made food and goods. One my favorite places to shop! For more info I always end of running into someone I know so its lovely outing.

I couldn’t help taking a picture of these beautiful protea flowers grown in Upcountry Maui. Stunning!
6. One of my favorites is to hike Haleakala Crater at Haleakala National Park. What a way to start the new year than to go up there and listen to the “silence”. One of the quietest places on Earth. You would be amazed at how much noise you are use to, that when you go up to this place it just is profoundly “silent”. Over 10K feet elevation, it gets cold here and sometimes snows. The colors in the crater are beautiful. If you want to watch the sunrise at Haleakala you may need to make a reservation so go here for more info
7. Take a Boat ride and watch the whales! Its Whale Season and they are here from the cold waters of Alaska to give birth to their young and play! You can also take a dinner cruise and watch fireworks for New years! Again book way in advance as they usually book up fast.
8. ART! The Hui No’eau Art Center – They have a lovely holiday shop so you can pick up some one of kind gifts. Located in the moderate climate of Makawao in Upcountry on Maui. . It’s worth the drive. You can then go to the shops of our cowboy town in Makawao. Don’t forget to stop by Komoda’s Bakery. Old time bakery that is a blast to the past and so worth it if you have a sweet tooth.
9. Go star and planet gazing. We have a wonderful astronomy group here on Maui. Maui Astronomy Club. They have events that you can join in on. They have great telescopes and meet at various places depending on the cosmic events. Find out more here
I Love being on their email list as they send some awesome photos and info on our cosmic universe!
10. There are so many things to do on Maui- I just cannot list them all. But most of all, just enjoy your time, whatever you are doing. Being in that present moment of just appreciation. Here is a picture I took one day as we were driving down the highway (no- I was not the one driving). It was raining but the most beautiful rainbow was in front of us. How breathtaking. Enjoy and Happy Holidays to you and Happy New Year!
And if you decide during or after your Holiday that Maui is some place you would like to call home or want to invest in a property, then give me a call. Just a friendly conversation will steer us in the right direction to see if Maui is right for you!
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year.