It’s a warm sunny Sunday in late October. I was holding an open house on 1210 Uluniu Street in Kihei, Maui, Hawaii, a rare beach house that truly takes you back to Old Hawaii ( for more info click here:
I could faintly smell a local kine barbeque celebrating a child’s birthday down the road. I hear laughter of people enjoying their time together. The trade winds coming off the ocean fan me gently as I sit on the lanai. I watch the hen with her beige chicks with the exception of one dark brown chick burrowing into the sand and leaves. Time is sitting still for now and peace has found a home.
Then on a little radio I have, I hear one of my all time favorite Hawaiian songs, “Olomana Ku’u Home O’ Kahalu’u”. It’s a Hawaiian ballad originally written and performed by Jerry Santos. Below is a video version sung by Allen Uehara. The video has gorgeous footage of real Hawaii. Sit back, take a deep breath and just enjoy. Hawaii offers majestic natural beauty. This natural beauty inspires its inhabitants. True aloha does lives here. Drive slow, let others go before you , offer a smile and take it easy. Be generous with your grace. Life is to be enjoyed not to be rushed. It is a journey. Hawaii reminds us so…. So here are the lyrics to this beautiful Hawaiian ballad, then watch the video below. I hope your day just got a little more beautiful.
Aloha, Jeannie Kong
Lyrics to Olomana Ku’u Home O Kahalu’u: [ Lyrics by: Gerry Santos, Olomana]
I remember days when we were younger
We used to catch ‘o’opu in the mountain stream
‘Round the Ko’olau hills we’d ride on horseback
So long ago it seems it was a dream
Last night I dreamt I was returning
and my heart called out to you
But I fear you won’t be like I left you
Me kealoha ku’u home o Kahaluu
I remember days when we were wiser
When our world was small enough for dreams
And you have lingered there my sister
And I no longer can it seems
Last night I dreamt I was returning
and my heart called out to you
But I fear you won’t be like I left you
Me kealoha ku’u home o Kahaluu
Change is a strange thing
it cannot be denied
It can help you find yourself
or make you lose your pride
Move with it slowly
as on the road we go
Please do not hold on to me
we all must go alone
I remember days when we were smiling
When we laughed and sang the whole night long
And I will greet you as I find you
With the sharing of a brand new song
Last night I dreamt I was returning
and my heart called out to you
To please accept me as you’ll find me
Me kealoha ku’u home o Kahaluu
Enjoy it here and a hui hou (until we meet again my friend). Click below for wonderful video.